Monday, January 28, 2019

Killer Whales (blackfish)

These whales are one of the smartest creatures in the world. They are very clever and can outsmart almost every creature. It’s too bad that this brilliant species is currently endangered. They would rarely attack a human and their main prey is pretty much any fish in sight. Orcas are found in all oceans around the world, but are most common in the Artic and Antartica. They are often spotted off the west coast of the U.S and Canada.

The movie was very convincing I must say though, when I watched the second video my mind and perspective on the movie immediately changed because I think the movie was to draw attention and cause trouble. The man in the second video talks about the story behind the scenes. He talks about how they purposely try to make you think of the worst.

I would rate the movie 2 out of 5 stars.

It was convincing but false.

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