Hey y’all,
Welcome to my first blog post. Listen, I don’t really know how to work this whole blog thing..but when I write, I get deep. So sorry if it’s weird for you but I mean, whatever.
I’ll occasionally post on my own, unless my teacher makes me do an assignment. I don’t really like using modern technology but in school I guess I have to. If I ever write for entertainment, it’s most likely to be about what I want in my future. I mean, I believe that it’s okay to have memories, but it’s not okay to live in your past. Don’t get me wrong, I always wished I lived in the 60’s but I didn’t, so all I can do is look towards my future. There’s nothing else you need to know, I have a whole page just for all about me. So check that out! *Wink, wink*
Welp, I’m already getting a lil deep here so im gonna to leave y’all on the edge.. because that’s where we stand.
- Mia